Our Story
Founded in 1998, Family 2 Family Connection provides science-based early childhood education to Southern Nevada families, resulting in children who are prepared and ready to learn on the first day of school. Our structured learning facility is a dual-purpose center focusing on both the child and the caregiver. It is modeled on the concept of family engagement, where caregivers are provided with the tools needed to become their child’s first teacher. Our staff members serve as guides, both modeling behaviors and educating families on best practices for self-guided learning.
Upon entering our interactive center, children are introduced to a school setting focused on maintaining and reinforcing connections with their caregivers. This gentle transition from home to classroom gives children the confidence to explore their abilities in a more secure environment. At the center, families are encouraged to forge relationships with one another in order to create support networks within the community.
The F2F program was originally developed by former First Lady of Nevada Sandy Miller as a means to help build families in our state by providing services focused on strengthening attachment, maximizing brain development, and promoting breastfeeding. This statewide effort created a comprehensive network that encourages optimal child growth and development through community-based public and private partnerships. While the organization has changed over the years, Family to Family Connection remains dedicated to serving families with children from birth to age five and equipping caregivers with the tools to provide a safe and nurturing environment for their children through parent education and community networking.
The family engagement classes offered by F2F help parents and/or caregivers to build strong bonds with their infants and/or toddlers, and provide training in key developmental areas including early physical, social and emotional issues. The long-term implications of Family to Family Connection extends beyond kindergarten as investments in early childhood education lead to a greater likelihood that young people will become economic and social contributors to our community.